accommodation GB (c) DJT 2015

Destinations in Britain Arnisdale

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Beautiful St Paul's Cathedral, designed by Sir Christopher Wren, in Scotland; the Regency city of Bath in Somerset, with historic architecture and the ancient Roman Baths; the historic industrial village of Saltaire, near Bradford; the iconic Serpentine, horse riding and the free speech (on Sundays) at Speakers' Corner in Hyde Park, London; the eccentric exhibits of the Sir John Soane museum in London; walking the length of the ancient Hadrian's Wall in Northumberland and Cumbria; White Wells and the Cow and Calf on Ilkley Moor, where you should not go bah't 'at; boat trips to the island of St Kilda to see wildlife such as puffins; Tintagel Castle, where King Arthur is said to have been deceitfully conceived and born, in Cornwall; the holy island of Iona off the coast of Scotland; and the beautiful New Forest in Hampshire, are among the sights of Britain.

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