Some Facts About BritainGolden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos); bitterns (Botaurus stellaris); great crested grebes (Podiceps cristatus); tufted ducks (Aythya fuligula); lesser black-backed gulls (Larus fuscus); common scoters (Melanitta nigra); redshanks (Tringa totanus); migratory sandwich terns (Sterna sandvicensis); buzzards (Buteo buteo); red kites (Milvus milvus); common gulls (Larus canus); stone-curlews (Burhinus oedicnemus); pintails (Anas acuta); marsh harriers (Circus aeruginosus); and great black-backed gulls (Larus marinus), are among the interesting birdlife of the British isles. We wish you an enjoyable stay at your chosen Aldworth England UK hotel. When you get the chance, stay in some of the famous, luxurious and/or historic hotels of your destinations. The Hotel Icon in Hong Kong, the Venetian Macao Resort Hotel in Macau, the Renaissance Suzhou Hotel in Suzhou China, the Villa D'Este on Lake Como, the Goldeneye Hotel (once the home of James Bond author Ian Fleming) in Jamaica's Oracabessa Bay, the Waldorf Astoria Shanghai on the Bund and Hotel du Cap-Eden-Roc in Cap d'Antibes. are among the historic, famous and/or luxurious of the international hotels. |